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Shwetha Jairam

korina karadimoy

MTM Blog Writer

@ KKNuntrition

Nuntritional Therapist

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Κorina Karadimou is a certified Nutritional therapist and wellness/ food blogger at The Saucha Life.  She created the blog to record her transition to a healthy, clean and nutritionally rich lifestyle based on plant based nutrition.


A little earlier she started studying nutrition at the College of Naturopathic medicine in London, while the same year she was diagnosed with lymphoma, which is a form of blood cancer, an experience that shocked her and radically changed her philosophy and purpose in life.


Four years later, after she underwent a 2 years chemotherapy course, finishing her degree and applying her knowledge on herself, Korina is healthy and she has started her own clinic.


Korina’s mission is to help people not only add more years to their lives but more importantly add more life in their years. In other words,  help women increase their energy and appetite for life by improving small daily habits, which very often - but not always - start from the plate. To love themselves again and to remind them how to take care of them, through easy every day habits that have scientifically proven results. 


If you feel that you would benefit from a nutritional therapy consultation you can get in contact via Email or Book an appointment with her. 

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